
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Political Parties and Politicians

Image result for political parties
Political parties are a wacky thing and can really get a girl SHOOK but political parties help the public side on how they want our nation to be leaded, that is why there are different political parties because the human being undecisive creatures we all believe in different things.

The political party that I chose to write about was the Democratic Party. Since the democratic party is liberal some of their main beliefs are more of helping the public in a more unbiased way such as helping restore economic security for the middle class, economic fairness, protecting voting, confronting global threats, protecting values, removing barriers to opportunities and being a leader in the world just to name a few. How the democratic party differs some other political parties is that the democratic party is rooted in what is better for the community and as for the republican party it is more rooted in individuality (if I'm phrasing that correctly). This also plays a role in how beliefs are different from other parties such as immigration, for example, some arguments that I heard throughout the years is that most liberals tend to think immigrants help the nation and as for most conservatives this they hurt the economy. The reason I choose to focus on the democratic party is that I most relate to it, I feel as though liberals are more understanding and more open to finding common ground with others and I feel it is the total opposite with people who side to be conservative.

I was unable to find a genuine artifact that represents the democratic party but I did take a further look into their beliefs and have deiced to utilize one of those as my artifact, what I have specifically have chosen to use was a quote that shares the democratic stance the LGBT Community. The quote states,

"Democrats applaud last year's decision by the Supreme Court that recognized that LGBT people - like other Americans - have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, restaurants can refuse to serve transgender people, and same-sex couples are at risk of being evicted from their homes. That is unacceptable and must change."

This quote shows how accepting the democrat party in in regards to the LGBT Community. This quote shows an appeal to emotion, using words like "love," which when disusing the right of LGBT members to marry is usually just used for liberals or for pro-marriage equality arguments. The quote also mentions children and people who are getting evicted from their homes. The use of this emotional appeal is so that a number of supporters rise in order to motivate the reader to fight for the equality of others, which will also cause them to support the Democratic party. Talking about the article as a whole, this discusses how to end inequality for the member of the LGBT Community and how great the support Obama has given the community in order to get us closer to this dream. It is quite difficult to judge the writer when there is no know information about them, I can only assume that the author has dealt with personal site regarding inequality or has just simply heard of other experiences regarding the LGBT Community. While there isn't enough information to back up these beliefs they are still opinions the Democratic party has.  

Hatred, pettiness, animosity, and loathing

Not so long ago the United State of American lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the 2016 Election attacked.

Only a Republican, can master all four elements, and kinda make things worse. But when the world was kinda at peace, Donald J. Trump's votes grew.

But I believe Trump will trash the nation.

POTUS Headshot

I decide to investigate the 45th U.S. President  Donald J. Trump. Trump is affiliated with the Republican party and he believes he can “make America great again”. Aside from that he also likes to bring the message of economic empowerment to every American. The reason I chose to talk about President Trump is because he is always the talk of the town and causes quite the stir. I'm also very interested to find out more of his opinions on national topics since a lot of the hot topics tend to affect me on a personal level.

An artifact that I choose to analyze was a third of tweets written by President Trump of his remarks on transgender troops. in these series of tweets, it mentions whether or not transgender individuals will have the ability to serve in the military by referring to them as burdens. The way that I interpret this artifact is that Trump shows to be agents LGBT rights. I see this in his written when after he refers to them as burdens he continues to discuss their medical need as and how costly it would be a disturb the military's work. The tweets that Trump published did not include estimates of how costly their medical need would be however others estimated the typical health cost from transgender individuals that are on active military duty and calculated the amount of $2.4 million and $8.4 million but only .13% is expected to exceed from $8.4 million. It has been also found out that the military spends more money on erectile dysfunction medication. The military $41.6 million annually on Viagra alone this is five time the estimated spending on transition-related medical care for transgender troops. So like with all this that I have learned it just seems like to me that Trump's ban on transgenders serving in the military was just an act of hate, and for a man who hasn't served in our military I don't think he has the right to say who and who can’t serve. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/07/26/the-military-spends-five-times-as-much-on-viagra-as-it-would-on-transgender-troops-medical-care/?utm_term=.f6eb1c4b381e)


  1. hey bryan! i found your facts about the cost of viagra compared to the costs of transgender care very interesting. i am glad that i got to know that fact.

  2. i really like that fact about viagra compared to transgender care, more people should know about this! thank you!!
