
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Interest Groups

I tried to make a funny intro but I can't think of one so this post will be very plain like a plain bagel with a thin layer of cream cheese.

In today's maxi challenge I will be investigating interest groups, more specifically gay marriage. The reason I chose to investigate on the topic "gay marriage" is because people still argue whether it is morally correct or not.

The first interest group I used was the Human Right Campaign (HRC), a liberal organization. Their mission mostly built on creating a safe space for all, but especially the LGBT Community. A blog post I analyzed posted on the HRC based off of an expert from an article written by Chris Kluwe, writer, and LGBT Activist. Kluwe writes about the return of The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and is in favor of revoking Californias Proposition 8.  (that would remove the rights of same-sex couples.) In the expert presented in Chris Kluwe: “Passing Gay Marriage Will Change America," he states that  "The Supreme Court has a chance to right these wrongs, to restore the fundamental decency of equality to all American citizens regardless of their race, gender, or sexuality. I'm hopeful they'll make the right choice." Although this doesn't show a lot of supporting evidence, I think that the expert would have been a lot stronger if there was more evidence presented.

Image result for human right campaign
The second interested group that I have investigated was the American Family Association which is a Christian Conservative organization whos solely purpose is to "inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission." The blog I analyzed from an expert of the article title "Sessions Breaking Free From Obama Administration Negligence" did indeed talk about gay marriage but the post was quite hard to comprehend. Reed mentions hows she was not a huge supporter of Obama's pronouncement that the DOMA would not be enforced by the Department of Justice. I don't really know why but Reed mentions that people of other gender identities (I'm assuming that she is referring to transgender individuals) are not protected under the Civil Right Act. From what i "learned" from this artifact is that it is pretty biased toward same-sex marriage. Also, there is not another part of the article that considers other beliefs or opinions.

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From what we can tell both interest groups are very different. One is based on religion and united people under Christian faith while in comparison the other is talking about equality. Both have options to donate, although I will say that AFA isn't quite up in your grill (as the youth would say) about it and the HRC kinda has you at gunpoint asking for your wallet.

Concluding this post I don't really know is if interest groups affect political beliefs. From what I can gather is that is that people have certain beliefs about certain causes and that when they find interest groups where their opinions align. But maybe interest groups affect voters based on what people believing because if someone really persuades someone else then the will believe in what the interest group is preaching. Then the voter would show that support by voting for what they have been persuaded to believe.

Disclaimer: I do not know if whatever I said make sense it is really late and I am tired.

1 comment:

  1. heyy bryan!! Honestly found this really interesting! I like how you gave direct quotes and you were able to make your blog funny but also really serious by providing facts about Trump
